Monday, April 19, 2010

21 Reasons to Schedule a Hypnosis Session Today-Part 1

Seven of the most common reasons clients call a hypnotist include to stop smoking, lose weight, eliminate test anxiety, relieve stress and anxiety, stop procrastination, help insomnia and increase self confidence.

Stop smoking

Are you a smoker who is thinking of quitting smoking but find it difficult to kick the habit? Don’t be fooled in believing that a lack of will power and determination is the problem. Your subconscious programming is responsible for sabotaging your success. Hypnosis can help you flip an internal switch and reset your stop smoking program for success just like that!

Relieve stress and anxiety

Is chronic anxiety or stress creating a health problem for you? In today’s pressure cooker world probably not a surprise that chronic stress and anxiety can affect your health. Diabetes, obesity, stroke, heart attack, insomnia, headaches, irritability, and depression are now linked directly to unmanageable levels of anxiety, worry, and stress.

Hypnosis for anxiety and stress gets great results! It’s frequently used help to relieve stress by inducing deep relaxation and mental calm. Self-hypnosis can also be used to helps dissipate worries and anxiety and induce a sense of peace.

It is an excellent tool that can be used as a complimentary or alternative healing method to eliminate acute or chronic stress, manage fears, optimize performance and ultimately improve health.

Lose weight

Are you one of millions across the globe who needs to lose weight? Do you frequently find yourself doing a “too much” behavior like eating sugar or salty foods when you’re feeling stressed? Have you noticed that you’ve developed a “not enough” habit like sitting on the couch instead of exercising? Are you constantly starting a new fad diet hoping to shed your excess weight?

If you’re like many people who can’t find the motivation to eat healthy foods in healthy portions, exercise daily, and remain fit and trim. Try hypnosis.

Hypnosis for weight loss can help you transition your mind into a trance like state while your hypnotherapist helps you flip your internal weight loss switch and turn on your motivation for exercise, portion control, and create the lifestyle changes you need.

Help insomnia

Insomnia or sleeplessness is caused by a variety of factors and is often characterized by rising levels of stress, anxiety, worry, an over active mind, or lack of peace. It often manifests as a thousand thoughts rushing through your head when you lie down and close your eyes to sleep.

Hypnosis can be used to induce a deep sense of relaxation, calm your mind, drive away all worries and anxieties. With just one hypnosis session, you’ll notice that you can relax, sleep comfortably and peacefully and awaken in the morning feeling fresh and cheerful.

Hypnosis is one of the most effective complimentary or alternative healing methods for insomnia and sleep disorders!

Stop procrastination

Have you ever found yourself wondering if the reason you always seem to procrastinate is due to a fear of failure or maybe a fear of success? You are not alone. Many individuals choose hypnosis to help them understand and eliminate their pesky procrastination habit.

If it feels like you are driving through life with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake and you’re tired of that start, stop, never finish cycle of procrastination- consider hypnosis. It can help you break that cycle.


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