Monday, April 19, 2010

Tobacco's Toll In Texas-It Really Stinks!

Tobacco use is a tremendous burden to all Texans. Tobacco use is the single greatest preventable cause of premature death and disease in Texas. Smoking kills more people than alcohol, AIDS, car crashes, illegal drugs, murders, and suicides combined - and thousands more die from other tobacco-related causes -- such as fires caused by smoking (more than 1,000 deaths/year nationwide) and smokeless tobacco use.

In Texas:

18.6 % of adults smoke (3,273,800)

21.1.% of high school students smoke (297,800)

24,500 adults die each year from smoking

3,360 adults die each year from exposure to second hand smoke

995,000 kids are exposed to second hand smoke at home

5.83 billion is spent annually on health care costs directly associated with smoking

Smoking-caused productivity losses amount to $6.79 billion

The tobacco industry spends approximately $854.2 million marketing in Texas annually.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that Texas spend $266.3 million a year to have an effective, comprehensive tobacco prevention program. Texas currently receives $13.3 million a year for tobacco prevention and cessation, which includes both state and federal funds. This is 5.0% of the CDC's recommendation and ranks Texas 46th among the states in the funding of tobacco prevention programs.

Texas's spending on tobacco prevention amounts to 0.7% of the estimated $1.86 billion in tobacco-generated revenue the state collects each year from settlement payments and tobacco taxes.

Texas is spending minimal amounts on tobacco prevention despite the fact that the state is receiving more tobacco-generated revenue than ever before as a result of a $1.00 cigarette tax increase in 2007, bringing Texas's tax to $1.41 a pack.

The 1998 Multi-State Tobacco Settlement Rev 2

The Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) is an agreement entered into in November 1998, originally between the Attorneys General of 46 states and the four largest US tobacco companies. The states settled their Medicaid lawsuits against the tobacco industry for recovery of their tobacco-related health care costs.

The agreement also exempted the companies from private tort liability regarding harm caused by tobacco use. In exchange, the companies agreed to pay various annual payments to the states to compensate them for some of the medical costs of caring for persons with smoking-related illnesses and to curtail or cease certain marketing practices.

The tobacco companies agreed to a number of important conditions including the following: to make annual payments to the settling states in perpetuity, to restrict their lobbying, sponsorship, advertising, and litigation activities, particularly as those activities targeted youth; to create and fund the National Public Education Foundation, dedicated to reducing youth smoking and preventing diseases associated with smoking.

States are to receive over $206 billion over 25 years.

In FY 2010 states are projected to receive $8.1 billion in tobacco settlement funds and an additional 17.0 billion in tobacco tax revenues. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that states use $3.7 of the $8.1 billion to fund tobacco prevention programs in 2010.

Unfortunately for smokers, states are only projected to spend a measly $629.5 million of the $8.1 billion on tobacco prevention.

Nine states fund tobacco prevention at less than half the CDC-recommended level.

Thirty states and the
District of Columbia provide less than a quarter of the recommended funding by the CDC.

North Dakota is the only state in the United States that currently funds a tobacco prevention program at the level recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Scientific research has proven time and again that smoking cessation and tobacco prevention program work.

You decide.

Do you believe smokers are really getting the support they need from the 1998 Multi-State Tobacco Agreement?

Nancy Philpott R.N, Certified Hypnotist, is a contributing author to the #1 Best Selling book series Wake Up...Live the Life You Love, She offers individual, corporate, and group stop smoking hypnosis programs. Go Now to and receive Nancy’s FREE Stop Smoking Hypnosis Video. Visit and get free quit smoking help today.

Stop Smoking Hypnotist Reveals 7 Self Hypnosis Affirmations to Help You Be Smoke Free

You may not realize it, but in the next few minutes you will discover a secret that hypnotists around the world have discovered about smokers and why they have such a difficult time quitting.

As every word travels from this page to your brain you will start to understand how and why your subconscious mind keeps you locked up in that smoke filled prison you hate so much.

Do me a favor...Take a deep breath....close your eyes... and remember the last time you tried to stop smoking.

Were you excited, thinking positive, and committed to stop no matter what happened?


Were you preparing yourself to fail before you even started?

How did you feel when you weren't successful?

Please be really honest with yourself....

Do you remember what you were telling yourself right before and after you quit?

Were any of these thoughts running through your mind?

"If I gain any weight at all...I'm going to start smoking again.""


"Last time I stopped I gained 20 pounds and I can't let that happen again"


"I refuse to quit smoking because I know I'll gain weight"


"I'd rather smoke than be fat!"

Hypnotherapists around the world know that almost every smoker has a fear of gaining weight when they stop smoking.

We hear that every time we work with a client who has decided to use stop smoking hypnosis.

Let me tell you a secret that hypnotherapists know that you may not realize yet....

What You Think Becomes What You Say....

What You Say Becomes What You Do...

What You Do Becomes What Your Get!...

That's have have programmed yourself

for failure or success without even realizing it!

Let me repeat that is the key to your success!

You actually program yourself to succeed or fail based on what you...

Think....Say....and.... Do!

Your thoughts become your words and your words become your actions!

If you've tried to quit smoking in the past....and failed....that experience is stored in your subconscious memory.

Along with what you thought about that experience and how you felt about it.

The more times you try and fail.....the more trying and failing becomes your subconscious program, habit, and belief system.

What hypnotherapists know that many smokers don't understand is that it is possible to reprogram your subconscious mind for stop smoking success with positive affirmations!

Here are 7 affirmations I recommend you use to reprogram those negative thoughts that may be blocking your success as a non-smoker.

Now, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and repeat after me...

"I Love Me Enough to Be Smoke Free"

"I Am On the Path to Health"

"I Choose to Be Smoke Free Forever"

"I Am Free to Begin a Smoke Free Life".

"The Past is the Past I'm Now Smoke Free Forever"

"I Release the Urge to Smoke"

"I Am Smoke free for Life"

"I Am Smoke free for Life"

"I Am Smoke free for Life"

Smoking Cessation Programs-Are Smokers Getting the Support They Were Promised?-Part 2

Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the U.S, claiming more lives every year-more than 400,000-than AIDS, alcohol, murders, car accidents, illegal drugs, and fires combined. According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) cigarette smoking costs the nation $193 billion a year in economic losses, including $96 billion in health care costs and $97 billion in productivity losses.

Despite those alarming statistics, in 2009 states reduced funding for tobacco prevention and cessation programs by 15%

In 2010 the states will collect $25.1 billion from the tobacco settlement and tobacco taxes. It would take less than 15% of that total to fund tobacco prevention and smoking cessation programs in every state at the recommended CDC levels. Unfortunately for smokers, states are only spending 2.3% of their tobacco revenue on smoking prevention and cessation programs.

The evidence is conclusive that smoking cessation programs work.

Maine, which has ranked first in funding tobacco prevention and smoking cessation programs from 2002-2007, has reduced smoking by 71% by middle school students and by 64% in high school students since 1997.

California, which has the nation’s longest running tobacco prevention and smoking cessation program, has saved tens of thousands of lives by reducing smoking caused birth complications, heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. Between 1998 and 2001, lung cancer and bronchus cancer rates in California declined three times faster than the rest of the United States.

A peer-reviewed study published in 2008 found that California’s smoking cessation and prevention programs saved $86 billion in health care costs in its first 15 years, compared to the $1.8 billion the state spent on the program, for a return on investment of almost 50:1.

According to CDC’s Best Practice’s for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs:

Smoking cessation is more cost-effective than other commonly provided preventive services including mammography, colon cancer screening, Pap tests, treatment of high cholesterol, treatment of mild to moderate hypertension.

Why are states continuing to reduce funding for tobacco control programs by 15% when funding levels from the 1998 Tobacco Settlement continue to rise?

If you’re a smoker, you just might be interested to discover how the numbers shake out:

States that are spending 50% or more of CDC recommendations on tobacco prevention programs include Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming.

States that are spending 25%-49% of CDC recommendations on tobacco prevention programs include Arizona, Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, and Washington.

Eighteen states spend 10%-24% of CDC recommendations on tobacco prevention. Those states include California, Colorado, Connecticut, Dist. Of Columbia, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Wisconsin, and West Virginia.

States that are spending less than 10% of CDC recommendations for tobacco prevention programs include Alabama, Illinois, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.

What do you think?

Are smokers getting the support they were promised from the 1988 Tobacco Settlement Funds?

Smoking Cessation Programs-Are Smokers Getting the Support They Were Promised?-Part 1

The states collect nearly $25 billion a year in tobacco-generated revenue from tobacco taxes and the 1998 state tobacco settlement. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).recommends that states spend a little Less than three percent of this $25 billion to fund tobacco prevention and cessation programs in every state at levels Unfortunately, no state currently funds prevention programs at CDC-recommended levels, and only nine states provide even half the recommended amount.

In fact, states have cut funding for tobacco prevention programs by more than 15% this year alone.

In FY 2010 states are projected to receive $8.1 billion in tobacco settlement funds and an additional 17.0 billion in tobacco tax revenues. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that states use $3.7 billion to fund tobacco prevention programs in 2010.

Unfortunately for smokers, states are only projected to spend a measly $629.5 million of the $8.1 billion on tobacco prevention.

Only one state — North Dakota — currently funds a tobacco prevention program at the level recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Only nine other states fund tobacco prevention at even half the CDC-recommended level, while 31 states and DC provides less than a quarter of the recommended funding.

If you’re a smoker, you just might be interested to discover where you cigarette taxes are being spent. Chances are it isn’t to help you quit smoking. Here’s how the numbers shake out.

Ten states are spending 50% or more of the CDC recommendations on tobacco prevention programs. Those states include Wyoming, Delaware, Maine, North Dakota, Alaska, South Dakota, Arkansas, Hawaii, Montana, and Vermont.

New Mexico, Iowa, Oklahoma, Arizona, Florida, Utah, Washington, Minnesota, and Mississippi are only spending 25%-49% of CDC recommendations on tobacco prevention programs.

Eighteen states spend 10%-24% of CDC recommendations on tobacco prevention. Those states include California, Colorado, Connecticut, Dist. Of Columbia, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Wisconsin, and West Virginia.

States that are spending less than 10% of CDC recommendations for tobacco prevention programs include Alabama, Illinois, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.

What do you think?

Are smokers getting the support they were promised from the 1988 Tobacco Settlement Funds?

Hypnotist Reveals the Top 21 Reasons Clients Schedule a Hypnosis Session-Part 2

Lately, the popularity of hypnosis and hypnotherapy as an alternative or complimentary healing method has increased dramatically. Individuals who have had limited success with conventional treatment methods have become avid supporters of hypnotherapy.

There are many reasons why people make a beeline for a reputed hypnotist.

Many call to schedule a session because they want to stop smoking, eliminate nail biting, quit stuttering, or relieve chronic pain. Clients with erectile dysfunction, infertility, and insomnia often combine hypnosis with traditional treatment to optimize their results. Hypnotherapists frequently receive calls from clients who have a fear of flying or a fear of public speaking. It’s very rewarding for both the client and the hypnotist when fearful clients transform their fears with hypnosis and are able to effortlessly perform those activities after hypnosis.

Stop smoking

Hypnosis is of great help when an individual is ready to quit smoking and has unsuccessfully used other methods including will power and determination to quit. Will power and determination alone simply don’t work for most smokers.

A successful hypnotist with a great stop smoking hypnosis program will help you transition your focus into a trance like state and deliver stop smoking suggestions to your subconscious mind that are specifically designed to neutralize your nicotine habit, tobacco cravings, and emotional attachment to cigarettes forever.

Ex-smokers who have successfully kicked the bad habit of smoking with hypnosis are usually raving fans for life.


One of the greatest pain management tools used today to lessen the intensity of pain is hypnosis. Hypnosis or hypnotherapy can be used as a complimentary method to manage both acute and chronic pain. Individuals with sports related injuries are often surprised to find their performance can be enhanced with hypnosis as well.

Erectile dysfunction

Anyone who has experienced erectile dysfunction understands the emotional stress and anxiety it causes for everyone involved. Stress and anxiety alone can make the situation worse. Hypnosis is often used in addition to a traditional approach. It can help you reduce stress and anxiety, enhance your performance, and really enjoy the sexual experience again.


Infertility takes a huge toll on couples. Many couples find the experience as mentally. physically, emotionally, and financially draining.

Hypnosis can help infertile couples in many ways. Hypnosis sessions can help bring about a deep sense of relaxation, inner calm, and a sense of peace in the minds of couples undergoing infertility testing and procedures. For those considering IVF, hypnosis can help you deal with fears related to the IVF process.


Insomnia or sleeplessness is caused by a variety of factors and is often characterized by rising levels of stress, anxiety, worry, an over active mind, or lack of peace. It often manifests as a thousand thoughts rushing through your head when you lie down and close your eyes to sleep.

Hypnosis for insomnia works great! It’s frequently used help to combat insomnia by inducing deep relaxation and mental calm. Self-hypnosis can also be used to helps dissipate worries and anxiety and induce deep relaxation.

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy is an excellent tool that can be used as a complimentary or alternative method to eliminate unwanted habits, manage fears, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve performance.

Ex-Smoker Reveals 7 Reasons to Stop Procrastinating and Stop Smoking with Hypnosis

Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and relax.

If I had known then what I know now, I would have understood that something a simple as those three hypnotic suggestions can transform your life instantly, dramatically, and irrevocably.

If you are a smoker and you’re tired of being stuck in that try to quit, fail, and feel bad about you cycle of smoking try hypnosis. It works!

It is possible to quit smoking with hypnosis and who knows it better than I, an ex smoker who tried for years and years to quit. Nothing I tried worked until I did a one-on-one session with a hypnotist.

I walked in a smoker and walked out an ex-smoker and believer in hypnosis.

Here a 7 reasons to schedule a stop smoking hypnosis session today.

Take Control of Your Life

Quitting smoking with hypnosis will allow you finally take control of your life.

You’ll be free of that painful try to quit, fail, and feel bad about you cycle of smoking forever.

Improve Your Health and Breathe Easier

Giving up smoking allows you say good-bye to coughing, chest congestion, and chronic lung irritation from cigarette smoke. You’ll begin to notice that you can breathe easier and take deeper breaths within a matter of days.

Increase Your Vitality

You’ll be amazed with your increased energy level and will feel an increase in vitality almost immediately. It’s remarkable how much more you can accomplish when you no longer smoke.

Smell Better

Be prepared to notice how much better your clothes, your hair, your body, and your breath smells when you stop smoking for good with hypnosis.

Increase Your Self Esteem

Once you quit smoking with hypnosis you will literally feel as if you can accomplish anything you want in the world. Within days of quitting you will notice you have a rush of confidence and self-esteem as well. Your confidence and self-esteem will continue to grow as each non-smoking day passes by.

Live Longer

The # 1 cause of premature deaths is smoking. 20 minutes after you quit your blood pressure and pulse decrease. 24 hours after you stop smoking your risk of having a heart attack decreases. As each day passed your body begins to heal itself and return to its presuming state. The sooner you quit the faster your body begins to heal.

More Confidence

It is generally said that smoking is an outward manifestation of the desire to depend on something. Smoking is a kind of craving in which people indulge to find an elusive kind of emotional security and slowly the habit turns into a sort of dependence.

When you successfully quit smoking, you emerge stronger, you become a person with a better character and unquestionable integrity and you begin to have more confidence in yourself, in your abilities.

If you are ready to stop smoking and reclaim your life, your health, and your destiny stop procrastinating and try hypnosis. It works!

Advice from a Stop Smoking Hypnotist-Quit Smoking and Do This Instead

Do you want to quit smoking and kick the bad habit forever? George Bernard Shaw – the great English dramatist had once jocularly remarked that quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. He had, after all, quit smoking several times in his lifetime. He’s not alone. Most smokers do try several times before they finally quit.

Breaking free of your urge to smoke isn’t as difficult as you think or people make it out to be. Believe me, this is the advice of stop smoking hypnotist. I broke free after 37 years with one stop smoking hypnosis session. Breaking any habit takes approximately 21 days and involves creating some new healthy habits.

So the next time you feel the urge to puff on a cigarette, create a new habit instead. Here are several simple habits you create to replace your smoking habit.

Drink a glass of water

Instead of giving into smoking, why don’t you drink a glass of water?

Breathe Deeply

Whenever you feel the urge, just close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths, and feel your urge melt away.

Send a text

Next time you reach your hands towards your cigarette pack, change directions and move your hand toward your mobile phone and send a text message instead. It will distract your mind.

Distracting your mind with other activities can help you break the habit. So, the next time you want to puff away, why don’t you walk around the block, call a friend, floss your teeth, hug your spouse, light a candle, turn on the radio, ride a bike, hug your pet, or take a nap instead.

Chew sugarless gum

If you can replace the urge to smoke with something harmless or even beneficial, then you will be satisfying your urge without experiencing the negative impact of nicotine or gaining weight. You can chew on sugarless gum or better still try chewing on mint sticks, mint leaves or cloves.

There are sugarless gums available in a variety of flavors and which are shaped just like cigarettes. Not a bad idea to chew on these instead, is it?

Listen to a hypnosis CD

Take advice from a stop smoking hypnotist (who quit smoking with hypnosis) and listen to a hypnosis CD. Studies demonstrate that hypnosis methods can successfully help you quit smoking forever.

Chew on a toothpick

And last but not the least; you can indulge in the luxury of chewing on a cinnamon flavored toothpick to kick the habit of smoking.

21 Reasons to Schedule a Hypnosis Session Today-Part 1

Seven of the most common reasons clients call a hypnotist include to stop smoking, lose weight, eliminate test anxiety, relieve stress and anxiety, stop procrastination, help insomnia and increase self confidence.

Stop smoking

Are you a smoker who is thinking of quitting smoking but find it difficult to kick the habit? Don’t be fooled in believing that a lack of will power and determination is the problem. Your subconscious programming is responsible for sabotaging your success. Hypnosis can help you flip an internal switch and reset your stop smoking program for success just like that!

Relieve stress and anxiety

Is chronic anxiety or stress creating a health problem for you? In today’s pressure cooker world probably not a surprise that chronic stress and anxiety can affect your health. Diabetes, obesity, stroke, heart attack, insomnia, headaches, irritability, and depression are now linked directly to unmanageable levels of anxiety, worry, and stress.

Hypnosis for anxiety and stress gets great results! It’s frequently used help to relieve stress by inducing deep relaxation and mental calm. Self-hypnosis can also be used to helps dissipate worries and anxiety and induce a sense of peace.

It is an excellent tool that can be used as a complimentary or alternative healing method to eliminate acute or chronic stress, manage fears, optimize performance and ultimately improve health.

Lose weight

Are you one of millions across the globe who needs to lose weight? Do you frequently find yourself doing a “too much” behavior like eating sugar or salty foods when you’re feeling stressed? Have you noticed that you’ve developed a “not enough” habit like sitting on the couch instead of exercising? Are you constantly starting a new fad diet hoping to shed your excess weight?

If you’re like many people who can’t find the motivation to eat healthy foods in healthy portions, exercise daily, and remain fit and trim. Try hypnosis.

Hypnosis for weight loss can help you transition your mind into a trance like state while your hypnotherapist helps you flip your internal weight loss switch and turn on your motivation for exercise, portion control, and create the lifestyle changes you need.

Help insomnia

Insomnia or sleeplessness is caused by a variety of factors and is often characterized by rising levels of stress, anxiety, worry, an over active mind, or lack of peace. It often manifests as a thousand thoughts rushing through your head when you lie down and close your eyes to sleep.

Hypnosis can be used to induce a deep sense of relaxation, calm your mind, drive away all worries and anxieties. With just one hypnosis session, you’ll notice that you can relax, sleep comfortably and peacefully and awaken in the morning feeling fresh and cheerful.

Hypnosis is one of the most effective complimentary or alternative healing methods for insomnia and sleep disorders!

Stop procrastination

Have you ever found yourself wondering if the reason you always seem to procrastinate is due to a fear of failure or maybe a fear of success? You are not alone. Many individuals choose hypnosis to help them understand and eliminate their pesky procrastination habit.

If it feels like you are driving through life with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake and you’re tired of that start, stop, never finish cycle of procrastination- consider hypnosis. It can help you break that cycle.


5 Tips to Skyrocket Your Stop Smoking Hypnosis Success - Part 1

As you use hypnosis to stop smoking, keep these quit smoking tips in mind. The following stop smoking hypnosis tips will help guide you into a deeper, stronger, and more effective state of trance.

Remember, you're in control. The hypnotist is just a guide assisting you in the process of awakening your subconscious mind.


Entering a trance state is about releasing the everyday stressors of your life. As you relax your body, you'll be able to sense a greater clarity in your thought processes. You'll be able to venture through the landscape of your mind with a sense of lucidity you might not have ever expected to experience!

Just breathe deeply and concentrate on your heartbeat, letting your thoughts float by without latching onto any one of them.

Stay Focused on the Hypnotist's Voice

The hypnotist is there to guide you and assist you. The hypnotist will give you suggestions that will reinforce your experience of the hypnotic process, moving you further and further into deep states of trance.

Allow the hypnotist's voice to fill your conscious mind, occupying it as you explore the exciting landscape of your powerful subconscious mind together.

Allow Yourself to Participate Fully in the Experience--Don't Hold Back!

Ultimately, the effectiveness of your stop smoking hypnosis session is up to you. Go into the session with a positive mindset, eager to create change in your state of mind.

Negative self-talk will only hold you back, not only in your hypnotic session, but in your life as well. Be ready to create change and open the pathway between your subconscious and conscious mind. You are the master of your own mind. Your willingness to create lasting change will determine the effectiveness of hypnosis on your life.

Hypnosis is a two-way street. It requires openness to change. But, most of all, it requires that you are willing to move into a deep and fulfilling awareness of self.

Notice Any Emotions and Where You Feel Them in Your Body

Believe it or not, we store emotions in our subconscious memory. That is why certain people, situations and events are able to "push our buttons" and trigger and unexpected emotional response in us.

During your hypnosis session, pay attention to different feelings in your body. The awareness of where we keep different emotions is key to understanding and controlling them.

If a difficult emotion arises during your session, notice how it feels and moves in your body. Don't attempt to avoid or repress these feelings. Open them up and explore them. Move your consciousness to the middle of these feelings.

If the feeling comes with a sense of motion or color, try moving the feeling in the opposite direction or assigning it a different, positive-associated color.

Have Fun and Enjoy Yourself

Aha! The most important tip of all time: enjoy yourself!

Hypnosis is a very exciting, fun, and rewarding experience. Many people "wake up" from the experience and feel a light, refreshed, "glowy" sensation in their bodies. Their minds feel clear and easy.

Take a deep breath, close your eyes, relax, and enjoy yourself!

5 Critical Questions To Ask Your Hypnotherapist

Smokers need to know how to select the best hypnotist and stop smoking hypnosis program for their individual needs. The cost of the sessions shouldn't be the only criteria the smokers use to decide.

Critical questions to ask a hypnotist while doing your research in the order of priority include

1. Have you ever been a smoker?

2. Did you stop smoking using hypnosis?

3. What kind of stop smoking hypnosis technique/s do you use?

4. What is your success rate? How did you verify that information?

5. What kind of follow-up support do you provide?

If you choose a hypnotist who personally quit smoking using hypnosis you are guaranteed a far different experience than if you select a hypnotist who has never smoked. After all, those who have been on your journey truly understand how it feels to be caught up in the try to quit, fail, and feel bad about yourself cycle most smokers get caught in. They are often the hypnotists who provide tips, tools, and follow-up support long after your stop smoking session is over.

Choose a hypnotist who offers a "stop smoking hypnosis" program with a high success rate. By success rate I mean an efficacy that reaches well over 80%. You may be surprised to discover that many hypnotists don’t follow up with their clients to verify their long term success. Many will be unable to substantiate their success rate. .

As you interview hypnotists, be sure and ask whether he or she will be incorporating hypnosis along with other behavioral tools and techniques during your sessions. Many hypnotists integrate other behavioral techniques like the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to enhance your results and long term success.

The best quit smoking hypnotherapist is one who will customize your stop smoking hypnosis program to accommodate your personal history and address your unique issues and desires. Most one size fits all stop smoking hypnosis programs won’t help you achieve the results you want. If you are truly ready to quit smoking one stop smoking session and a couple of quit smoking tips won’t get you where you want to be long term.

A customized, multi session, stop smoking hypnosis program, designed specific to your history and needs is your best option if you are ready to quit your active smoking habit.